Is coming soon ...
And recording the performance of 3 October is the Web-Cast archives on the homepage of the Hochschule fuer Musik und Theater Hamburg are available. We will advance information about it.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Can I Mix Lorazepam And Benadryl
regard to the upcoming lectures on MediaMit the IT trade fair for the Palatinate
designed display by Rainer Dietrich
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Hiv Skin Rash Primary
Sometimes miracles come true: All that do not had the opportunity to visit the idea of "Mozart and Salieri " to the HfMT Hamburg, now have the chance to live broadcast of the final performance live on the homepage of the university (Select where the recruitment web-cast) for Music and Theatre in Hamburg on the computer to trace over the Internet or simply use the following link to dial into the search bar and off you go the fun!
Have fun and an exciting musical evening of theater!
your / your
Mozart and Salieri team
Sometimes miracles come true: All that do not had the opportunity to visit the idea of "Mozart and Salieri " to the HfMT Hamburg, now have the chance to live broadcast of the final performance live on the homepage of the university (Select where the recruitment web-cast) for Music and Theatre in Hamburg on the computer to trace over the Internet or simply use the following link to dial into the search bar and off you go the fun!
Have fun and an exciting musical evening of theater!
your / your
Mozart and Salieri team
Coustamise Ur Own Bmx Bike Vitrul
Successful Premiere! And here are the first reactions from the press!
Hamburger Morgenpost, 27.9.2007. MUSICAL HIGH SCHOOL
Final vocal showdown
In 1984 Milos Forman film "Amadeus" in the cinema was, Mozart was competing with his colleague Antonio Salieri suddenly all the rage. This Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov had already taken up 80 years ago in a true opera Crime Pushkin presentation to the Score competition and envy, stirred despair, hatred and venom in his chamber opus. At a dinner the two counterparties where the final showdown Sanger each other ... Admirable material for an exciting evening, then, especially for young opera singers of the music high school who knows always surprise with performed works in clever staging. What the chances are good that - also in "Mozart and Salieri" triumph of the genius of mediocrity - as in the work. (Ff)
(MOPO of 27.09.2007 / PAGE 2)
Hamburger Morgenpost, 29.09.2007. ARCHIVES: SCHOOL OF MUSIC AND THEATER
"Mozart and Salieri" - very modern
But as we know them will not. In Rimsky-Korsakov's chamber opera Mozart actually sings in the tenor. But taken in the School of Music and Drama Director Thorsten Teubl this role with soprano Silke Willmann. Thus, from the competition of two composers also a battle of the sexes, of Salieri's anger over baritone Mozart's genius, the anger of the man about the superiority of women. Very nice.
addition to the singers Silke Willmann and Jörn Dopfer, who master their parts wonderfully, yet many dark figures flitting about among the chairs. Uncanny: a waiting room for death. Fascinating: Marnie Aramruck dancer who commented pantomime as doll-like angel of death the game. And suddenly, the piano accompaniment by Tanja Noters sounds very modern, since vital scenes are intensified by arias and interludes. vanishes to the sound of Requiem the land of the dead poisoned Mozart. Strong end of a strong production.
Academy of Music and Drama, 29 September 20 and October 3, clock, 18 clock, maps to 10 € Tel 440 298
Department: Cultural hh
The World, 1 October 2007
Young reveals Forum: Mozart was a woman
As the State Opera has in its first season opener in two weeks but exert powerful! What the young boy's musical theater forum has now put down at the start of the season, can hear music, but above all - realized gorgeous - can see. With Rimsky-Korsakov's chamber opera "Mozart and Salieri" added director Thorsten Teubl the Forum of the Academy of Music not only a dramatic one-act play excavated, but the deadly showdown withdrawn at dinner by a clever trick and an overabundance of pathos. Frames the story of the poisoning of Salieri to Mozart namely two arias from Peter Michael Hamel's "Alkeste arias' - and these two songs (" Between fear and hope "and" Do not cry ") quoted a blend harmoniously as seamless.
solves addition, Teubl of Pushkin's literary original and makes the already long since disproved the myth of the murder of success is a reflection on hate envy and jealousy. Hitchcock-like stages in which only a few chairs provided in the auditorium extended stage, fighting Salieri (Jörn Dopfer with dark baritone brings the necessary horror, however, with sometimes too forced organ) in ghostly light with these feelings and their sinister insinuations. A silent appearance (Marnie Aramruck) more as pantomime death angel the ghostly scene yet - even the seemingly floating above it all Mozart can not be the grim final escape. His Requiem He is driven by Teubl also has the genius with the soprano Silke Willmann occupied, thus generating even a competition between the sexes. Almost a little too much of the hidden agenda - like the startled again and again in this waiting room of death collapsing, silent choir for more unrest provide more than terror. Still, one disturbing in its reduction evening - we are anxious to see if can keep up "Tales of Hoffmann."
Hamburger Morgenpost, 27.9.2007. MUSICAL HIGH SCHOOL
Final vocal showdown
In 1984 Milos Forman film "Amadeus" in the cinema was, Mozart was competing with his colleague Antonio Salieri suddenly all the rage. This Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov had already taken up 80 years ago in a true opera Crime Pushkin presentation to the Score competition and envy, stirred despair, hatred and venom in his chamber opus. At a dinner the two counterparties where the final showdown Sanger each other ... Admirable material for an exciting evening, then, especially for young opera singers of the music high school who knows always surprise with performed works in clever staging. What the chances are good that - also in "Mozart and Salieri" triumph of the genius of mediocrity - as in the work. (Ff)
(MOPO of 27.09.2007 / PAGE 2)
Hamburger Morgenpost, 29.09.2007. ARCHIVES: SCHOOL OF MUSIC AND THEATER
"Mozart and Salieri" - very modern
But as we know them will not. In Rimsky-Korsakov's chamber opera Mozart actually sings in the tenor. But taken in the School of Music and Drama Director Thorsten Teubl this role with soprano Silke Willmann. Thus, from the competition of two composers also a battle of the sexes, of Salieri's anger over baritone Mozart's genius, the anger of the man about the superiority of women. Very nice.
addition to the singers Silke Willmann and Jörn Dopfer, who master their parts wonderfully, yet many dark figures flitting about among the chairs. Uncanny: a waiting room for death. Fascinating: Marnie Aramruck dancer who commented pantomime as doll-like angel of death the game. And suddenly, the piano accompaniment by Tanja Noters sounds very modern, since vital scenes are intensified by arias and interludes. vanishes to the sound of Requiem the land of the dead poisoned Mozart. Strong end of a strong production.
Academy of Music and Drama, 29 September 20 and October 3, clock, 18 clock, maps to 10 € Tel 440 298
Department: Cultural hh
The World, 1 October 2007
Young reveals Forum: Mozart was a woman
As the State Opera has in its first season opener in two weeks but exert powerful! What the young boy's musical theater forum has now put down at the start of the season, can hear music, but above all - realized gorgeous - can see. With Rimsky-Korsakov's chamber opera "Mozart and Salieri" added director Thorsten Teubl the Forum of the Academy of Music not only a dramatic one-act play excavated, but the deadly showdown withdrawn at dinner by a clever trick and an overabundance of pathos. Frames the story of the poisoning of Salieri to Mozart namely two arias from Peter Michael Hamel's "Alkeste arias' - and these two songs (" Between fear and hope "and" Do not cry ") quoted a blend harmoniously as seamless.
solves addition, Teubl of Pushkin's literary original and makes the already long since disproved the myth of the murder of success is a reflection on hate envy and jealousy. Hitchcock-like stages in which only a few chairs provided in the auditorium extended stage, fighting Salieri (Jörn Dopfer with dark baritone brings the necessary horror, however, with sometimes too forced organ) in ghostly light with these feelings and their sinister insinuations. A silent appearance (Marnie Aramruck) more as pantomime death angel the ghostly scene yet - even the seemingly floating above it all Mozart can not be the grim final escape. His Requiem He is driven by Teubl also has the genius with the soprano Silke Willmann occupied, thus generating even a competition between the sexes. Almost a little too much of the hidden agenda - like the startled again and again in this waiting room of death collapsing, silent choir for more unrest provide more than terror. Still, one disturbing in its reduction evening - we are anxious to see if can keep up "Tales of Hoffmann."
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Brazil Strangling Fetish
Daisy 1993 Beanie Baby
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Laptop And Testicular Atrophy
samples Diary (6): Finally on the stage!
meantime, we have changed the sample location - away from the Opera Studio on the main stage. Now we face the challenging transition process, the developed tension in the opera studio space (which is much smaller than the main stage) on the big stage transfer. Also shown here now always new possibilities. Rehearsals are going well - occasionally a long discussion, the policy discussion arise about notions of aesthetics and drama theories, but basically we all pull together and have the goal of an exciting and high quality production to provide enough - the way there are often different ... the director is thinking: "Love bears all things" (Biblical Wisdom) - ....! The singer-actors are wonderful, the choir movement acts committed and professional, adding it is all together, what you really want more. (Thorsten T.)

meantime, we have changed the sample location - away from the Opera Studio on the main stage. Now we face the challenging transition process, the developed tension in the opera studio space (which is much smaller than the main stage) on the big stage transfer. Also shown here now always new possibilities. Rehearsals are going well - occasionally a long discussion, the policy discussion arise about notions of aesthetics and drama theories, but basically we all pull together and have the goal of an exciting and high quality production to provide enough - the way there are often different ... the director is thinking: "Love bears all things" (Biblical Wisdom) - ....! The singer-actors are wonderful, the choir movement acts committed and professional, adding it is all together, what you really want more. (Thorsten T.)
Why Does My Cat Have Black Snot
samples Diary (5): first lighting test
The lighting test is one of the most important events during the sample period: this is often shattered hopes and dramatic performances. At the moment we still see everything very well. The light promises to be exciting, although different than being considered. We'll see. In the pictures, Sebastian and Stephanie can be seen, two dedicated colleagues in the movement choir, which have agreed to as a "Beleuchtungsstatisterie" at the lighting test and join us in order to help simulate the real conditions on the stage. (Thorsten T.)

The lighting test is one of the most important events during the sample period: this is often shattered hopes and dramatic performances. At the moment we still see everything very well. The light promises to be exciting, although different than being considered. We'll see. In the pictures, Sebastian and Stephanie can be seen, two dedicated colleagues in the movement choir, which have agreed to as a "Beleuchtungsstatisterie" at the lighting test and join us in order to help simulate the real conditions on the stage. (Thorsten T.)
Orange Juice And Cream
sound continuum - sound recording
What is here in the pictures looks like the recording a new smash hit for country music, in fact, is the recording a sound continuum - which we then to the rehearsal on Monday (September 24) the first time will hear - the tension rises! In the pictures are on display: The director, an assistant director Dorothea Hoffmann (Isabelle Dupuis missing in the picture, unfortunately, because she has even made) and the wonderful sound engineer of the Academy of Music and Theatre Hamburg Catherine Raspe - thank you, love Catherine for the many and patient work! (Thorsten T.)

What is here in the pictures looks like the recording a new smash hit for country music, in fact, is the recording a sound continuum - which we then to the rehearsal on Monday (September 24) the first time will hear - the tension rises! In the pictures are on display: The director, an assistant director Dorothea Hoffmann (Isabelle Dupuis missing in the picture, unfortunately, because she has even made) and the wonderful sound engineer of the Academy of Music and Theatre Hamburg Catherine Raspe - thank you, love Catherine for the many and patient work! (Thorsten T.)
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Brown Discharge Infection And It Smells
thoughts bridges - Bubble
favor is a soap bubble
As the light bubble is born again in an instant, and usually passes as soon as they arose:
So it goes with the favor of those you have chosen. She goes back as they came, and comes as it goes. VVER is as guards, you had to build it. It's just wind. Cupid plays his game. When he turns, it will subside again, for what you call grace, which is a right bubble.

favor is a soap bubble
As the light bubble is born again in an instant, and usually passes as soon as they arose:
So it goes with the favor of those you have chosen. She goes back as they came, and comes as it goes. VVER is as guards, you had to build it. It's just wind. Cupid plays his game. When he turns, it will subside again, for what you call grace, which is a right bubble.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Do You Have To Repaint The Entire Bumper
samples Diary (4): Lunch
- No Comment - (... :)))))
also assistant director and directors need to pause - what we basically should not even think possible ... But break is "somehow" Work: I hope to visit the good ideas - full house - where postcards can still be spread - where can still be advertised. Questions, questions. If anyone wants to help us in advertising - including the distribution of postcards, let him get in touch with us quite quickly: !!!!!

- No Comment - (... :)))))
also assistant director and directors need to pause - what we basically should not even think possible ... But break is "somehow" Work: I hope to visit the good ideas - full house - where postcards can still be spread - where can still be advertised. Questions, questions. If anyone wants to help us in advertising - including the distribution of postcards, let him get in touch with us quite quickly: !!!!!
I Have A Herpes Outbreak Everytime I Shave
samples Diary (3): The movement chorus (first samples of 14 and 15 September)
"The first rehearsal with the movement choir: a very colorful custom troops. School musicians, actors, singers from various choirs, the choral movement is to act not only scenic, but also sing ... the input part of the Mozart Requiem, which occurs at the Opera (stage direction of Rimskis-Korsakov: behind a curtain - but: the choir must (!!!) on the stage, the other, viellleicht death, must constantly as a threat - or as hope (?), be present). Starting with the sample it turns out that we have proven with the selection of people have a very steady hand. Ulf is older, Mani comes from the acting school, others are students of music education in the early semesters - but they are all professionals or simply, disciplined and professional - interest and enthusiasm is being felt, which is contagious. The result is great. They all give the scene a lot of the award. The sample atmosphere is filled with wit and high concentrations. Every director is lucky to be working with such a movement choir seems we have a lot done - yet! "

"The first rehearsal with the movement choir: a very colorful custom troops. School musicians, actors, singers from various choirs, the choral movement is to act not only scenic, but also sing ... the input part of the Mozart Requiem, which occurs at the Opera (stage direction of Rimskis-Korsakov: behind a curtain - but: the choir must (!!!) on the stage, the other, viellleicht death, must constantly as a threat - or as hope (?), be present). Starting with the sample it turns out that we have proven with the selection of people have a very steady hand. Ulf is older, Mani comes from the acting school, others are students of music education in the early semesters - but they are all professionals or simply, disciplined and professional - interest and enthusiasm is being felt, which is contagious. The result is great. They all give the scene a lot of the award. The sample atmosphere is filled with wit and high concentrations. Every director is lucky to be working with such a movement choir seems we have a lot done - yet! "
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