Thorsten Teubl was born and grew up in Ulm in the Swabian Alb.
followed by studies of theology and music and theater at the University of Bayreuth in studying music theater director with Prof. Goetz Friedrich at the Academy of Music and Theatre in Hamburg and the University of Hamburg. He worked at various theaters as a director and team captain: http://teubl.blogspot.com.
were parallel, a master's, Master's degree Arts Management at the Technical University of Dresden, among others, Professor Bendixen (focus on management and business administration), the Institute for Cultural Infrastructure blade forest (practical cultural work and cultural policies) and at the University Federico II of Naples, with training the subjects of art history, classical archeology, and theater and project management. In addition, the participation is subject to relevant training, such as etc. in the fields of culture, copyright, orchestras and cultural management, and master classes.
Thorsten Teuber served as project manager and director of numerous festivals (eg International Summer School of the Arts Görlitz / Zgorzelec etc.) and transnational cultural and major events, and hired as artistic director at the Children's and Youth Theater Görlitz.
as lecturer in arts management and cultural marketing Thorsten Teubl worked at the Institute for Languages and the economy worked in Freiburg - invitations to guest lectures and teaching will take him to the Hochschule Zittau / Görlitz and the Austral University of Buenos Aires.
currently a PhD Thorsten Teubl at the Academy of Music and Theatre in Hamburg on "New structure models for the musical theater with special emphasis on chamber opera".
is otherwise Thorsten Teubl avowed Verdi-rejectors and St. Pauli fan.
Contact through: TjorvenTh@web.de
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