grab Anna and Artur Documents from
"anti-German" neo-conservatives denounce anti-capitalist left, show it to the police and make false statements. Parts of the left scene not only love their betrayal - they also love the treacherous.
"extremism of any kind," the black-yellow government wrote in its coalition agreement, "it is left-or right-wing, anti-Semitism or Islam, we confront decisively." Accordingly, it has recently funds for the fight against "extremism" rededicated. In future they will be used to fight "Islamism" and "leftism". "Anti-German" it would take its name literally, would have to criticize German development policy focus. But the opposite is true: you - and in its wake also left parts of the scene - go not only ideologically, but increasingly also in handy at the government line.
On the wave of neo-conservative zeitgeist the way, speak the "Anti-Deutschen" their program quite openly: "Demolition of the left" they want to be. For this purpose they will use every means - including the state repression. Slander, denunciation and informants services for the executive branch have become popular strategies to destroy structures and left-left politically and to harm himself. Bluntly spread "anti-German" groups on the Internet that in confrontations with the left like to call the state power to help. Even police raids are applauded as "successes."
unreasonable ...
twice had won the Hamburg LKA 72 in the spring of 2010 access to flats left activists have had members of the "anti-German" alliance against Hamburger unreasonable (BgHU) displayed one of the residents. The denunciation of the person concerned, according to search warrants in the wake of disputes over an activist of the International Centre B5 have an "anti-German" added a "dangerous assault" and other leftists prevented the event "anti-German" group criticism maximize on 25/10/2009 ( we refer to the analysis of these events on our website). That nothing like that had happened, as even conceded that day police officers present, and were considered according to witnesses reports of physical abuse on the part of the "Anti-Germans," and holding the informers on the show - and not expect to let their imaginations run wild to the tall tale the necessary seasoning to miss. had "threatened with murder on the street," one of them activists from the B5-environment that BgHU disseminated on its website (
also was on the day of the confrontation in October 2009, police were called present in the ranks of the anti-German group of Hamburg and the BgHU how they explain proudly. With pleasure, "can you help out from the police" or goes "in the protection of the police" - and "of course was once again filed a complaint," it says in a later published the text of the BgHU in which its members one more time as victims of allegedly anti-imperialists stylize the B5 staged fights. Of course they are also in this case, the police served their shameless lies.
Justus Wertmueller, author of the new right "anti-German" Journal Bahamas and one of the leaders of this scene, which is now in solidarity openly with British racists (see Soren Punj.. Shall in the spirit of Winston Churchill in Great Britain the English Defence League for the excitement and confusion Bahamas . 59/2010 likely), his wildest dreams to see implemented: "Finally, it sprouted in hope, would police and the press with information about this Rabble supplies, made criminal charges against individual clubs and out with the cry, red Nazis! " Marches towards Brigitte street drag [International Centre B5, author's note] "( wanted
available ... not only in Hamburg
In Leipzig we recently Wertmueller's wishes into reality - but in vain: Members of the warmongering BAK Shalom of the links youth ['solid] and the Left Party member Sarah Nagel complained after a left-wing Solidarity Demonstration for the attacked by the Israeli army Free Gaza Flotilla the fact that police officers do not take their complaints against demonstrators wanted. "Anti-German" from the environment of the BAK Shalom had attacked the demonstrators and participants as "Nazi" insult. The fact that the demonstrators had protested against their attackers, but should be later accused of the "Anti-Deutschen" as the aggressors and displayed, was apparently even the police men to absurd.
successful was the "anti-German" action against the satirical Internet site of the "dangerous planet Girls", which always intrigues of "anti-Germans" were being targeted. The "authorities" rushed to the neck they have Lars Quadfasel, hamburgers neocon campaign national spokesman for the Stop the Bomb, a member of the hardcore "anti-German" Hamburger research library and the already mentioned BgHU: "Lars Quadfasel attacks ... and we give up. Against the German state with its post-Nazi officials, we are not. Lars has studied them all and knows her pursuit Drang ( The struggle for civil freedom of expression, even in other places with bombs against the "Arab barbarians" is to be defended, is apparently closing if left satire takes on the problem of neo-conservatism '.
Civic civilized and the fight against anti-militarists across the side of the state power showed the Berlin cosmopolitan Communists: you could give up entirely on the weapon of criticism and put entirely on the criticism of weapons - and denounced anti-war because of "using an anti-constitutional symbols" in the police. The peace activists had stuck posters against the war in Iraq, where the flag of the United States and signature of a U.S. company active in Iraq in the form of swastikas were alienated ( .
advertise "come out please the perpetrators" with the slogan "anti-German" in Magdeburg for undisturbed Informers and false statements. There was left of the entrance to an "anti-German" event was denied. The organizers later said that they had been violently assaulted. "They need these lies for purely legal reasons, otherwise the ads would be untenable against us for alleged serious breach of the peace," said one of the parties on the Internet ( ~ infoladenlb/infoladen4/sections/news/news_show . php? id = 1688).
to the police are not the only way to attack the Left and its structures by "anti-German." On the Internet, fact sheets, names and pictures of alleged "left Published anti-Semites "( E2% 80% 9Ein-hamburg-was-the-first-shot-% E2% 80% A6% E2% 80% 9C- % E2% 80% 93-an-anti-Semitic-action-and-the-egg-dance-linker-anti-Semites-presented by-eberhard-wollauchi /), group membership and details of private relationships in the network - a welcome of work for each Protection of the Constitution, which with fluoroscopy left structures in charge. If the investigators but that does not want to work, you put a pinch also self evident: In May 2010, proposed an "anti-German" the showcase of the International Centre B5 with a bottle, swore visitors Center as "bastards" and "spasties. A B5-activists shouted one of the attacker's face: "pussy, I fuck you in the ass" ( 20 -%% 20antideutscher 20angriff.pdf)
And what does the Left?
All these cases are long since no longer an exception but part of the "anti-German" policy against anti-militarists, anti-imperialists and other left tackle. As willing executioners of the ruling class they use the resources of the unchecked state power apparatus. Nevertheless, they can left in youth centers, community radios so long as the Left Party act freely, as if it were in their dirty methods to a normal means of left politics.
The ideological justification of their actions within the left scene to help their language of the managed world: war is peace, leftists were "red-Nazis," and criticism of capitalism is "anti-Semitism." In short, left, particularly communists and anti-imperialists are the real enemies are civilizational achievements. An ideology that found in the left scene grateful uptake and soil prepared for the acceptance of any anti-leftist agitation. In addition to the aforementioned BgHU Kritikmaximierern, Bahamas authors and - until a few months ago - the anti-German group Hamburg Antifa also groups (such as the Hamburg group Sous la Plage), activists of the Red Flora and other parts of the autonomous scene organized. They bring in the betrayal of leftist solidarity and anti-repression. About the denunciations and cooperation with the police, who had taken care in the autonomous scene a few years ago for outrage - "Anna and Artur shut up," said the old autonomous slogan - is now silent, at best. IT CAN also the editors of Red-Flora newspaper Zeck each left (shame) border behind them and justify the actions against critics of the "Anti-Germans" without restraint: "The fact that the controversy surrounding the blockade of why Israel did not 'forget and draw conclusions for the parties to it, we support "(No Zeck 156th May / June 2010).
Obviously, the "anti-Germans" from Germany's Red floras the autonomous self-aware then at her side, when Anna and Artur long since taken to the Prosecutor for the tea party. For "Cameraman asshole" both eyes are pressed shut -. As long as he is a "anti-German" is
"anti-German" neo-conservatism as part of the modern capitalist domination project
defamation, false statements and criminal charges are a logical consequence "of anti-German" policy. To the "barbaric" capitalism critics who have not yet understood the neoliberal regret that "Western values" must be defended with all means to make the process, they pick you and the national security or the police board. "Develop a pragmatic relationship with the police," calls it the anti-German group of Hamburg. No wonder: the left project to overcome the bourgeois rule, they have long since given up or never pursued.
Under the "anti-German" continuous fire is some left in the inner emigration. The majority of the scene, prefers the more or less open collaboration. In place of anti-repression work and solidarity occur more often denunciation and spying services to the police. The support or endorsement of the practice by large sections of the left give evidence of the shrinking distance between the scene to "anti-German 'rights. A left but that keeps the project of a world free of exploitation and oppression, such left not only tolerates no accusation - it sets the informer to the door.
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