" Anti-German "demonstration against" anti-Semitism from the left "turns out to be Holocaust relativism and warmongering
"Anti-German" demonstration against "anti-Semitism from the left" turns out to alsHolocaustrelativierung and warmongering
Around 350 anti-German "yesterday in Hamburg under the motto" make it impossible for anti-Semitic club - also left "to the International Centre B5 and for presentation of the Movie "Why Israel demonstrated in B-movie cinema. The demonstration of "anti-German" neo-conservative alliance against Hamburger unreasonableness has been found to be belligerent and German history relativistic manifestation. The activists of the B5 reacted with a rally at which they presented their political work and took part in the 200 anti-imperialist and other leftists. You yelled out to meet the "anti-German 'throats," We carry Gucci, Prada, we have, death of the Intifada, "Federal Republican prosperity and racist contempt for the Palestinians here obviously go hand in hand.
Members of the Federal Working Group of the left-Shalom youth ['solid] and representatives of the Association of Victims of the Nazi regime - association of the anti-fascists (VVN-BdA) took part in the demonstration. Representatives of The Left Party in Hamburg, as the deputy chairman of the parliamentary group, Christiane Schneider, marched to the edge. You and others, such as the applicant for the demonstration, the speaker of the Rote Flora, Andreas Blechschmidt were not deterred from the fact that demonstrators with the Israeli and the U.S. military down in a line by waving Israeli and U.S. flags violent chanted: "IDF, USA, in the face - Antifa!"
The seemingly peaceful organizers and visitors of the movie "Why Israel claimed to sit down on Sunday against alleged" anti-Semitic thugs "for the military to do. Instead, they paid homage to the war openly apparatus of the Western industrialized countries and called on the neoconservative ductus Avidgor Lieberman's military "Entbarbarisierung" of the Arab world and the evacuation of the B5.
impute For seven weeks, the self-appointed "critics of the left anti-Semitism" persistently that critical B5 Israeli activists were offended visitors to the B-movies as "Jewish swine" and "fags". Today as then they are not too bad to exploit, German history and to relativize the Holocaust by equating it with the Nazis left. To insults such as "left-fascists" and "left Nazis" yesterday followed the slogan "Antiimp Nazi-Pack, we gave you enough to puke!".
"The organizers and attendees of the demonstration have used vicious means that the ban in view of German history and the real risk of anti-Semitism that is rife in the guise of philo-Semitism in Germany. The demonstration has shown that today is not left to left, but neoconservative warmongers against critics of imperialist wars have demonstrated, "said the Communist Association Hamburg (KAH).
Contact: kommunistischeassoziation@freenet.de
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