wait at the end of the Enlightenment, the "anti-German." The anatomy of the German neo-conservatism in Hamburg
At the end of the enlightenment waiting for the "anti-German."
the anatomy of the German neo-conservatism in Hamburg
internationalist activists of the Centre on 25 B5 October 2009 a meeting of the "anti-German" group criticism prevents maximization Hamburg, under which the film "Pourquoi Israel" by Claude Lanzmann in Hamburg's B-movie cinema should be shown. On several relevant "anti-German" Internet sites and blogs in the known leaves as the jungle world - what some the IMAGE is the neo-conservative "anti-German" their jungle - but also the taz and the other is about in its usual hysterical style was written. Line upon line to increase the hate preachers in their German-pathological propaganda noise.
Prior to the event, the B5-activists had attempted to speak with the operators of the B-Movie. Representatives of B5 had visited the House of Cinema Group, where their concerns and their criticism of the cooperation with the group critique maximize Hamburg - in addition to other hard-core "anti-German", a Bahamas-author is organized - put forward. This criticism was countered, this would require a counterweight to the "anti-Semitic" B5, so the film will be shown. Of course this claim were for
supplied no evidence. What could the cinema operator in response to this desert denigration expect - a champagne reception for a movie night in well-kept Jeunesse dorée atmosphere?
target of protests in front of the B-movie was not primarily to prevent the screening of a film. Contrary claims are not true. The film does have enough to problematic euphemizing the policy of the state of Israel against the Palestinians, on the one had with the right partners can certainly argue admirably. But the count of the ideology of "anti-German" neo-conservatism blinded operators and their cheerleaders just do not do so. Even the film's director, in a later work, the Israeli Glorified army is far more open to criticism, to admit as many a German wants, which is historically and politically illegitimate power of definition has appropriated about Judaism and mistakenly identified Jews with Zionists and Israel.
The blockade of the B-Movie has taken place to the targeted group and intend to challenge the criticism maximize Hamburg to meet reasonable, which wanted to make their event next to the internationalist center B5 and joint use of its rooms. Although they called themselves not as "anti-German". "Furthermore," she was supposedly "out".
criticism maximization is fully on line with the "anti-German mainstream. Today, no one needs more than "anti-German" flow from the hegemony of the "Left Scene" define. The least to say they have "anti-German" to be, but almost all denounce the anti-capitalism either as "abbreviated critique of capitalism" or "barbarism", claiming that it is not German Bank CEO Josef Ackermann should be held responsible for his actions (almost every criticism is representative of the ruling class now discredited as a "structural" anti-Semitic "), that anti-imperialists - who they are and what distinguishes them, of course, almost no one knows - actually "Nazis", etc. These "yes-no-not-anti-Germans" may not know that they are "anti-German" neo-conservatives, but they act as such, and talk in the best pop "anti-German" jungle-world jargon. The "anti-German" consensus has been established long ago.
with criticism maximization, there is clearly another attempt, a group beyond the now politically meaningless radio station Freies Sender Kombinat (FSK) and other "anti-German" self-help groups to act out the German in Hamburg establish narcissism. The group is by no means an isolated little groups around freely Santander ghostly wisps. It is part of the neoconservative Movement, which sees itself as responsible "Demolition" (Bahamas) for the German and immigrant leftists.
The range of immediately mobilized supporters of the group critique maximization, who came just before the scheduled start of film in the vicinity of the B-movie speaks for itself. The "anti-German" community of faith Hamburg had gathered, the ranks were closed, and it came together, what objective have long belonged together: the phalanx of belly left young and altautonomen jungle-world subscribers and intellectually that presents and eloquent spokesmen with Bahamas-positions was as impressive as
meaningful and revealing. Finally did the enlightened western whites the "uncivilized" and "barbaric" immigrants and their internationalist friends hated the process of making.
(cosmoproletarian eg-solidarity.blogspot.com) In addition to relevant known Internet bloggers, members of the Hamburg junior "anti-German" group sous la plage, leading figures of the autonomous "anti-German" event center Rote Flora, separated FAU activists and members of the Info store black market would be people from the FSK, Emancipate the group, the Hamburg Study Library (HSB), Stop the Bomb activists - warmongers who advocate a NATO attack on Iran - and Bahamas-Authors and editors access to the B-movie and give support to the criticism maximize their own delusions springing "anti-Semitic mob."
A differentiation between so-called soft-core and hard-core "anti-German" is obsolete in the face of such "solidarity" already for some time and misses the fundamental political problem. This is also a day occupied after a "discussion meeting" in the Rote Flora, where over a now-canceled rejection of the body and gastric-band autonomous' anti-German ", Egotronic - who preferred to an audience of war, mass suffering and death Middle East aufgeilen - Should be lamented and were thrown out before the commencement of critics of "anti-German." They wanted to finally rather keep to themselves.
This approach is not surprising, because the Red Flora has long since degenerated into a party area for neo-liberal upper-and middle-class youngsters. Political events, a culture of debate or just a little bit of understanding for Refugees, Hartz-IV-injured and other people in need there, you look in vain. Instead, I find "anti-German" yuppies indulge themselves in the moist-happy champagne parties to the dull electro-fluke - a scornful laugh at the self-expressed goal of being a "community center" and "Flora for all!" to be. Who is not the brand-oriented fashion center of the dress code is sufficient, is viewed with skepticism. Who even looks as if it originated from the Arab-Muslim cultural space, gets here quickly suspected an "enemy of Israel" or even "anti-Semite" to be. Those who dare to express openly an opinion that differs from the soft-core "anti-German mainstream, is the" politically correct "pretext of making conscious clique that rules the Rote Flora autocratic defamed, socially ostracized, intimidated, out mobbed - and if that does not work, covered with a house ban. While
the suffering and misery of the wretched of the earth, the florists are shit, their whining and moaning about the events before the B-movie all the greater. The representations of the self-proclaimed Antisemitenjäger teem of exaggerations, distortions, lies, myths and victim - ridiculous, especially when you consider how many of them were suddenly on the ground. Who wants to hear at all costs "Jewish pig", "fags" and so on, it sounds too - although no one has called it. Such insinuations are the ordinary methods that each should be known who has ever played with "anti-German" or only a conflict with them in Contact has come. Their bungling henchmen working journalists and their backers in the Left Party, as the State Parliament deputy Christiane Schneider, one can not exclude it. The embarrassing notorious self-stylization and whiny-staging the victims of whatever is current practice of ("anti" -) Germans.
A fight, as claimed by various "anti-German" groups, bloggers, etc., has not given, but a few calm and relatively mild reactions (jostling, pushing land and four slaps) on insults that were repeated on multiple demand also: left Nazis " "Left-fascists," "anti-Semites," "Jew haters", etc. For reasonably mature people with a historical conscience and political awareness to prohibit such an inflationary use of the term anti-Semitism and geschichtsklitternder word constructions. But who wants to fight in particular left who uses them. Not only, but also the group critique maximize this trend with the publication of an opinion has been sustained, in which the blockers are denounced as "neo-Nazis." It goes without saying that left to endure such harassment and belittlement of anti-Semitism and fascism can not, that "anti-German" usually Globalization and anti-war,
peace activists, the Israeli Left and other critics of the Israeli government and its aggressive occupation and settlement policy muzzle and denounce. But probably the most partisan of the ultra-right Avigdor Lieberman are certainly not accustomed to more effectively deal with its authoritarian practices otherwise than by submission. "Anti-German" their claims of political legitimacy, justified by their supposed anti-Semitism, criticism, through which they have gained in recent decades in power. In the autonomous scene, their positions are now hegemonic. This is their "criticism" of anti-Semitism only their ticket Admission to the establishment of civil society and a radical neo-conservative position in the guise of emancipation on the side of the Hohmann-CDU, Christian fundamentalists, the governments of the United States, Britain and Germany, the profiteers of capitalist exploitation and other executors of the managed world.
There are not only negative but also the (apparently) positive "rumor about the Jews" - especially in Germany. The philo-Semitism - the anti-Semitism is sprung, like this feeds of prejudice against "the Jews" and categories "of the Jews" and who is the "Anti-Germans" of all stripes enjoys great popularity - can turn a precarious historical circumstances at any time in open anti-Semitism. "The Jew" is no longer the enemy but the friend of a German, who want 65 years after the war, the definition of sovereignty over who today "real" may be a Jew who does not. Those who do not fit into the picture of the defensive, pro-government Jewish Israeli who sees himself - as a Jewish critic of Israeli policies - in line suspended in a coup the hostility of "emancipatory" German as a "token Jew" or "self-hating jew" is called " anti-Semites collaborator " offended, the "promotion of anti-Semitism" accused or equal to "anti-Semite" means. In addition, this inflationary use of anti-Semitism accusations by "anti-German" anti-Semitism has discredited criticism, content completely arbitrary and made by German toy needs. The "anti-German 'critics is not about anti-Semitism, let alone the specific fate of individual Jews, but to make the political choice of anti-Semitism criticism, German terms with the past and the fight against the Left. What single 68s with a desire to delegitimize Israel wanted to achieve, try their sons and daughters today with their hatred of Palestinians and Arabs in general. But the German guilt and the German guilt complexes can not rid the world - not by defense, not by a historically illegitimate appropriation of the victim and not, by equating the Jewish victims of Germans committed crime against humanity with the State of Israel. But this completely deutschbefindliche dealing with anti-Semitism is not the only hallmark of the "anti-German." Open or latent racism against Africans, Asians, South Americans and other people in the poor houses of the world, the justification and advocacy of international law and extremely violent Occupation of Palestinian territory by the Israeli government, the legitimacy and support of wars (such as the Gaza War, the Gulf war against Iraq and the planned military strike against Iran) and the prevailing anti-terrorist doctrine, defense and apology for capitalist exploitation and oppression - the are the most striking elements of the "anti-German" ideology.
The group criticized maximize Hamburg is located in the neo-conservative trend of part of the former extra-parliamentary left, after 1989/90, and embodies the political spirit of the times: are anti-Zionism, criticism of Israel anti-Semitism and identical to each other, they suggest. Capitalism as a system understand the structure and the agent, as the rule of man over man and attack was "backward" and "anti-Semitic", etc., etc. So why should we tolerate such a group in his neighborhood? It is also happy no one if the PR departments of Lockheed Martin and Blackwater knock on the door. No one could seriously be surprised that even the B-movie cinema is covered by the neo-conservative wave that sloshes away for years on Germany. Even very different institutions with far more social relevance have been undermined by the growing coalition of the willing. The Academy of the Rosa Luxembourg Foundation to the hard-line "anti-German" like Thomas von der Osten-Sacken invited and Stephan were Grigat is just the latest example of many.
criticism maximize Hamburg want to do their program at all costs - supported by Phase 2, jungle world and the autonomous brand clothes and testosterone-Antifa 2.0. The German authoritarian character, it is to want to be unconditionally in capitalist society on the winning side. are duty-conscious workers are, therefore, on the ruins of the history of the German left, certainly enough.
Communist Association Hamburg (KAH)
Hamburg, November 2009
Contact: kommunistischeassoziation@freenet.de
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